La Disco Carnival

La Disco Carnival



You are warmly invited to join us in the parade, for the whole parade or for a little while. You can bring your costume and there will also be some costume accessories available. We’ll start from indoors and find our way to the outdoor stage where RRE is waiting for us.

30.05.2023 at 13 Indoors & Outside stage, Annantalo. Free entry

Duration: 30 min



My artist name RRE comes from words Rikotaan Rajoja (let’s break the boundaries) and Elisa. I have founded Rikotaan Rajoja event. I have made music with computer since 2015. 14.2.2021 I published RNB/pop song Haaveita. Music is part of my identity and it empowers me alot. It really touches my emotions and moves me to tears.”